Rebecca Boyd began fencing in 2008 with a club in St. Peters, Missouri. There, she progressed through the classical weapons and began practicing historical weapons. In 2011, she attended the Fechtschule America in Houston, Texas and fell in love with Historical European Martial Arts/Western Martial Arts. Since then she has worked to develop herself as a classical and historical fencer, instructor, and event organizer. She has taught at seminars including Fechtschule America (Houston, TX), PNW (Tacoma, WA), Schwertkampf Mexico (Mexico City), Sentiment du Fer (St. Peters, MO), and Iron Gate Exhibition (Boston, MA). She was the event organizer for the Fencing Extravaganza 2011, and Sentiment du Fer 2012 and 2013. Becca founded Second Intent Fencing (SIF) in 2013, where she now practices and teaches both classical fencing and HEMA. In 2014, she joined the Iron Gate Exhibition event organization team and was a key member of IGX Management for IGX 2014, 2015, 2016, and 2017. Becca has also competed in HEMA events in the United States, Mexico, and Europe. She has been a member of the Western Martial Arts Coalition (WMAC), the Historical European Martial Arts Alliance (HEMAA), and Esfinges.